
Consistent use of standards, 5 Cs (communication, culture, connection, comparison, community), for lesson planning, instruction; and assessment leads to more focused ways of ensuring that all students meet or exceed the academic standards. It is very important to teach practices that reflect high expectations for student achievement of the standards, help keep students meaningfully engaged throughout the learning process; and insure students have multiple and varied opportunities to meet/exceed the standards. In my classroom, varied and flexible groupings are used to assist students in achieving/exceeding the standards. Various teaching strategies are used to foster inquiry, higher critical thinking, and problem solving. For 21st century teaching and learning, technology is meaningfully integrated throughout instruction to support student achievement of the standards. Assessments are necessity for teaching and learning. One is assessment of learning at a set point in time after instruction has occurred; the other is assessment of learning during instruction to guide the direction of instruction to meet student needs.


Before I went up to UVA, I thought the training I was going to receive in Virginia would be exactly like all the other courses I had taken previously. That is why I was so surprised at how much I actually learned throughout the course of those three short weeks. Now I fully understand what the Foreign Language Standards are and why it is important to teach and use the standards in the classroom. I know I will be a better teacher through the practicum and advice from Tseng Laoshi and Zhao Laoshi. I will use the communicative mode daily. Thank you for the opportunity to be there and learn from such outstanding teachers. 

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