
I am deeply inspired and moved by how well the program was designed and executed. I love the balance of theory and practice in this program. The amount of practice is sufficient for me to be able to solidify the best practices that I learned. I love the people of the program the most! It brings me a smile when I think of everyone: Besides setting high standards and being the cheerleader, Tseng Laoshi integrates mindfulness elements throughout the program, which leads to more wholesome development of the trainees. All the training staff, Gao Laoshi, Zhong Laoshi, Cai Laoshi, as well as assistants Jiayu and Yoyo are all highly effective and fun. Experiences and personalities of my peers inspire me in their own ways as a teacher and as a person. My lesson-planning group rocks!! I will always remember our productive and pleasant collaboration. I was very fortunate to have a roommate who is like a long lost friend to me! The students are super! Each time after intensive preparation, my nervousness is gone the moment I started interacting with them. Throughout the program, despite the intense schedule and workload, I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and accomplishment.

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