Xuemei Huang
For me, the 2017 UVa STARTALK program has been one of the best professional development practices in which I have participated in the last five years. Within the five-week program, 12 Chinese teachers were working closely together: planning lessons, giving each other support and advice, and sharing teaching experiences. We learned, practiced, discussed online teaching technologies, strategies, students interactive activities, and backward design planning skills, etc. I am especially grateful for Dr. Tseng, Henny Chen, our two lead teachers, and my partners, which gave me instant feedback, positive encouragement and practical support. I feel I am so lucky to be selected for this program. Besides learning best teaching practices, I am also grateful to get to know all of our teachers, develop friendships with them, and learn about teamwork and growth mindset. The experiences and knowledge I have learned from the 2017 UVa STARTALK program will benefit my future teaching and my students.