Firstly, there has been a notable shift in my level of engagement with fellow teachers. I've become more proactive in sharing ideas and regularly discussing classroom experiences with my colleagues. This open dialogue has fostered not only a sense of camaraderie but also provided valuable insights into different teaching approaches. Moreover, I've taken the initiative to extend invitations to my colleagues to attend and observe my classes. Simultaneously, I've reciprocated by making an effort to drop in on their classes. This mutual exchange of observations has proven to be an enriching experience, allowing us to witness diverse teaching styles and strategies in action. It has become a two-way street of collaboration, where the interchange of ideas contributes to a more dynamic and supportive teaching community.


Second, I have actively pursued opportunities to explore and integrate online tools into my teaching practices. I am grateful for all teachers who shared their ideas on using technology tools during the summer. I have implemented some of them in my classroom, such as ClassDojo, Quizlet diagrams, Padlet, etc. These efforts are aimed not only at enhancing the learning experience for students but also at fostering a dynamic and future-ready educational environment.


Lastly, I am intentionally shifting my focus toward enhancing student output by introducing meaningful and contextually relevant tasks. Recognizing the importance of active language production for effective language acquisition, I am incorporating tasks that encourage students to apply their language skills in real-life scenarios. These tasks go beyond traditional exercises and aim to provide authentic language-use experiences, such as engaging in discussions about students' personal experiences, expressing opinions on relevant topics, and participating in collaborative projects.

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