
Extensive training as a master of English language specified in Translation Theory and Practice, 7-year experience of teaching foreign languages on university level, and strong interpersonal skills should qualify me to go through the Startalk Program of Virginia University. I hope I can grasp this opportunity to build up a more solid career foundation for being a better teacher and cross-cultural communicator. I believe that my past experiences as a teacher and academic make me a very competitive candidate.

As you will note from my resume, except my part-time occupation as a language instructor at Duke University, I also teach students from Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language and Chapel Hill Institute of Culture and Language Education. Although it has been only one year, thanks to the knowledge of foreign language acquisition and the teaching experience I built up back in China, I have quickly and successfully switched gears and adapted to teaching Chinese to non-native speakers. Being exposed to so many different students with different backgrounds, ranging from 10th graders to 50-year old language learners, I have established adequate knowledge about the rules and patterns of acquisition and realized the importance of teaching with the understanding of those differences.

 My enthusiasm and experience of teaching languages were established and reinforced in East China University of Science and Technology in Shanghai, where I taught Comprehensive English and Translation for 6 years. I’ve found imparting language skills to new learners deeply rewarding and I take great comfort and job satisfaction in seeing my work being appreciated and valued. My efforts were rewarded by all kinds of awards and of course, most important of all, my students’ rapid progress and growing interest in foreign languages.

My experience of simultaneous interpretation, however, greatly sharpened my sense of language and made me realize that given the chance, my potential can be fully cultivated.

So, being a native speaker of Chinese, a master degree holder of language and an enthusiast of culture exchange, I am confident that I am qualified to be an effective Chinese teacher.


The experience I had with Startalk program excelled everything I had ever expected that I could achieve in three weeks. From the language acquisition theories to applications of different teaching approaches, from the National 5C standard to the inspiring backward design of a class, from the systematic guidance the trainers provided to the heated discussions among trainees, everything was so refreshing and enlightening. The first week was the accumulation of theoretical foundations; the second week was the teaching practicum which tested and proved what we’ve learnt in the first week; and the third week was the presentation of the last two weeks--- the accomplishment of the E-portfolio which was the comprehensive conclusion and the climax of the three-week long program.

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