

I have been always wanted to learn more about blended and online teaching. My experience for online teaching is limited to Adobe Connect Meeting while teaching at John Hopkins Talented Youth Program or asynchronous teaching. UVa Startalk teacher training program not only broaden my perspectives for online teaching but also reshape my teaching. I am ready to use some of what I have learned in my future classes. It is a very unique teacher training program where the two weeks online training is well-structured. We have learned the pedagogy and technology via meeting every other day online.


It is my honor to attend the awesome UVA startalk program in 2019, and I spent a pleasant and productive summer. Previously I went to other startalk programs in New Jersey and Connecticut, but the one at UVA is the most intensive, special and meaningful one. Before I came to the program, I think I was pretty familiar with Startalk principles and foreign language teaching methodologies. But through this program I realized there are still a lot of areas for improvement in my teaching practices.


I have learned so much from the program in all aspects, from practicing the innovative virtual online teaching model to cultivating appreciative mindset as an educator. It was extremely helpful to go through the learning materials with the master teacher multiple times. It was also a great joy to learn about and work with other teaching fellows from different parts of the nation in such a collaborative environment. All the efforts were worthwhile.


I had learned so much for 2019 UVA STARTALK program. This is a rewarding and unique program. I didn’t have any High school teaching experience before I went for this 5 weeks training. But I feel very comfortable teaching high school students after this program. I learned not only from Cai laoshi, Linlaoshi and Dr. Tseng, but also other excellent teachers from all over the country. This program provided coaching and practicing, teachers gave instant feedback, students reflected own teaching each time. This helped me more aware of the areas need to be improved.


UVA STARTALK has taught me so much in the past few weeks. It creates a unique opportunity for me to learn from Dr. Tseng, Dr. Gao, Ms. Lin and Ms. Cai, and to work with elite teachers from all over the U.S. Although we were trained to practice teaching in the 10-day virtual face-to-face classroom, all the STARTALK principles and pedagogical concepts we have discussed together, including student-centered curriculum, communicative-based elicitation, authentic materials application, are extremely critical for us to implement in the face-to-face teaching.


I cannot say thank you enough for this awesome UVA Startalk program. This program opens my horizon on Chinese teaching. It is not only providing superior quality of instructions, but also helping me to find the balance of life. Dr. Tseng and 3 lead teachers guided me every step of the way and believed in me. Thank you for being so encouraging and doing everything to keep me motivated. Furthermore, my classmates were so inspirational. I admired everyone’s positive attitudes and supported me throughout this program. I have learned so much from our collaboration.


Words cannot express how much gratitude I hold for all the staff and trainers in this summer program. This training helps shape my understanding of Chinese teaching and redirect me to the right track by applying communicative language teaching method. I have learned correct teaching philosophy, classroom management skills, and practical teaching techniques from this program and Dr. Tseng is one of a kind educator in the field. I highly recommend this program to future K-12 educators and current K-12 students.


What a rewarding and inspirational program. After five weeks’ academic, practical, innovative, incentive and intensive training, I feel I improved a lot not only in my teaching skills, but also in my mindset. It helped me become a more knowledgeable and skilled language teacher. Because this program provided coaching and instant feedback on my performance, after participating in this program, my confidence in innovative virtual online teaching has increased.


It has been a great honor to get admitted to such an awesome program which includes both teacher and student program. How time flies! I still have a fresh memory of how excited when I am booking the tickets and getting myself prepared for this trip. It has been an amazing experience in many ways. First of all, I get the luck to know excellent Chinese teachers nationwide. I learned a lot from each of the teachers, ranging from teaching experiences, work


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