

I am very grateful to anticipate the UVA Star Talk Chinese program in 2018 summer. This is my first chance to join the Start Talk program. It is not only totally fulfill my goals but also exceeded what I expected. I not only improved the new teaching theory and teaching method but also it expanded my teaching concepts and Chinese teaching networks. I enjoyed this program a lot by the perfect process design. Professor Tseng and the other three master teachers first trained us through the teaching cases and technology skills.


This is my first Startalk, a program challenges me to Think different.  Theories must be backed by practice and practice must be organized by theories.  Never had I attended a training where I learned about theories and put them to practice at the same time.  I had the privilege of working with a team of phenomenon educators. I witnessed the best practices being contemplated, exchanged, negotiated, polished, executed, evaluated professionally and collaboratively. An experience that is like no other.


It has been my goal to participate in this Startalk these years. All in all, I really enjoyed this well-structured journey piloted by Tseng Laoshi, regarding our group lesson planning, learning from the lead teachers and colleagues, virtual F2F lecturing, growing from my mistakes, transitioning from meaningful to both meaningful and communicative instructions, meal time small talks, staying in a common lodging area for two weeks, and growing from inside out as a human being. I understand Tseng Laoshi should have worked so hard to overcome all the challenges to make it possible for us.


I was very grateful that I had the opportunity to attend the 2018 UVa STARTALK teachers’ academy. Three years ago I attended this program. I was trained to teach face-to-face class effectively. This summer I returned to UVa to learn how to teach online class interactively. Again, UVa’s STARTALK program fully met my expectations and fulfilled my professional development needs. The pedagogy training prepared me theoretically, and the teaching practicum gave me an opportunity to implement best practices.


The situations on the campus of 2018 Vua STARTALK  and at the hotel of Graduate Charlottesville have been full of memories as remembrance. The four episodes always flash back on my mind as the followings:

1. Vigorous and efficient teamwork  impressed me with expertise and mutual trust.

2. A life without friend is a life  without sun. The chatting and collaboration  between bosom friends  offered me pleasure with heart and mind.


Summer 2018 will be a special memory due to this UVa STARTALK teacher program. Thanks to all the lead teachers who created the wonderful opportunities for us to learn Zoom and Nearpod and utilize them to teach the UVa STARTALK students online.  It is so grateful and lucky to work with the rest ten teachers as well the program assistant and coordinator. Time fliers so quickly, but how our group two teachers’ meetings, preparations, and discussions for teaching will last forever. The effective teaching strategies and growth mindset from this program will help my future teaching goals.


I am deeply inspired and moved by how well the program was designed and executed. I love the balance of theory and practice in this program. The amount of practice is sufficient for me to be able to solidify the best practices that I learned. I love the people of the program the most! It brings me a smile when I think of everyone: Besides setting high standards and being the cheerleader, Tseng Laoshi integrates mindfulness elements throughout the program, which leads to more wholesome development of the trainees.


I’m very happy I have learned a lot in the 2108 UVa STARTALK Program. It’s important that the whole big group collaborated, discussed and prepared for opening ceremony and end ceremony, online teaching and assessments. Tseng Laoshi gave us brief and clear lectures. Gao Laoshi gave me strong technical support. I also appreciated that my head teachers, Cai Laoshi and Lin Laoshi, worked hard everyday to help me along the way. I was really fortunate to attend this program. I have changed my mindset to intake new thoughts and suggestions.


It was such a surprise that I am part of the 2018 UVa STARTALK Program. It is the program that changes my point of view about teaching. Influenced by Tseng laoshi, Zhong laoshi, Cai laoshi and all my peer teachers, I started to think about teaching in terms of effectiveness and authenticity. I feel inspired when Tseng laoshi asked us “How many types of authentic materials do you have?”, when we ask each other “Is this question communicative?” I know there are so many take-aways waiting for me to apply in my classroom and I will do my best to achieve them in the future.


Without a doubt,attending 2018 UVa Startalk Program has a giant effect on my view of language teaching. I think it is attributed to the fact the program not only sought to solidly bridge second language acquisition principles and


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