
It was a pleasure to be part of 2017 UVa STARTALK Program. Though the program was quite intense, every minute was well invested. It was definitely a “no pain, no gain” journey. I felt very privileged to work closely with a group of highly motivated teachers who share the same passion with me - want to be a better teacher. In retrospect, I found the “feedback session” after each lesson the most beneficial. The honest and constructive feedback I received really made me ponder and then reflect, therefore I can be on the way for the improvement. The overall experience was inspiring in so many different perspectives, from online pedagogy, methodology, growth mindset, collaboration all the way to personal life wisdom. In summary, I came to Charlottesville with one check-in luggage but left not just with professional knowledge but lasting friendship.

First Name: 
Amy Chang
People Type: 
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Sample Material: 
Lesson Plan: 
Professional Goals: 